Highlights from the first Presentation Night
okay (a) TIL "Sander" is his last name, mind BLOWN. (b) The dinosaur post is fascinating! I recently came across this infographic (https://www.the-scientist.com/infographic-a-look-at-the-big-five-mass-extinctions-70182) and thought how weird it is that animals suddenly (supposedly) started looking so not-dinosaur-y
- Kasra's NYC presentation night https://x.com/kasratweets/status/1674584307615305731
- "interactive presentation software" https://www.mentimeter.com/
okay (a) TIL "Sander" is his last name, mind BLOWN. (b) The dinosaur post is fascinating! I recently came across this infographic (https://www.the-scientist.com/infographic-a-look-at-the-big-five-mass-extinctions-70182) and thought how weird it is that animals suddenly (supposedly) started looking so not-dinosaur-y
- Kasra's NYC presentation night https://x.com/kasratweets/status/1674584307615305731
- "interactive presentation software" https://www.mentimeter.com/